Thursday, July 7, 2011

You Are HERE! Teen Summer Reading Club

Summer's here, and the sun is shining! Take a break from the heat and visit the Library for some programs, prizes, and more! Stop by your local Santa Monica Library and sign up for the Teen Summer Reading Club. Read 30 hours, receive prizes along the way, and get an invitation to the end-of-Summer Teen Party, where you can win MORE prizes, eat yummy food, and play lots of FUN games and activities!

The GRAND prize for this year's Teen Party raffle will be the ever popular NOOK Color! This eReader tablet allows you to read books, surf the internet through wifi and download apps. A great tool for any teen both to use during the summer and at school.

For more information on the Teen Summer Reading Club and teen programs throughout the Summer, CLICK HERE.

Stay cool, and see you at the Teen Summer Party!